The Digital Era
In one brief decade, Digital Publishing grew from black and white text on Amazon’s first Kindle (circa 2007) to today’s rich interactive and engaging content which we view on computer, tablet, or smartphone, offline or online, with the same user experience on each. Content consumer expectations are high so we have to deliver. Here is how it happened.
Digital Publishing developed in two parallel but equally adopted tracks. A web-based HTML5 platform provides “Digital Editions” for online magazine and journal markets and the EPUB3 standard has served the book market.
The recent merger of IDPF (the makers of EPUB3) and the W3C (World Wide Web consortium) will see these two formats blend into a single publishing standard for digital content. RePubIT, an invited expert and participant in standards advancement with IEEE, BISG, and IDPF in the past, will be joining the new W3C Publishing working group presided over by prior IDPF president Bill McCoy.
RePubIT experts drove advancement in both markets supporting hundreds of publishers worldwide.
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In 2013 John Costa and Ian Gibson demonstrated the first connection between an eBook and a Learning Record Store using xAPI (experiential analytics, also known as ‘TinCan’). This was the dawn of the age of open standards for reading analytics allowing authors and readers to leverage measurement of their behavior. RePubIT’s vision was to revolutionize textbook teaching and learning and it was quickly recognized by the IEEE working group on Actionable Data Books as the path to practical solutions for 21st century activity-based learning technology. Early prototypes were produced in conjunction with the Advanced Distributed Learning (ADL) Initiative’s xAPI Design Cohorts and proved the concept of RePubIT’s ‘round-trip data’ approach. RePubIT showed that learners (or any consumers of information) can be assisted, guided and certified in their studies by the curated view of the results of their own activities and progress. In 2016 RePubIT joined the ADL Total Learning Architecture (TLA) development project as a subcontractor in developing the Personal EBook for Learning (PEBL)
RePubIT Interactive
Now, RePubIT applies the globally accepted ebook standards and features in a simple publishing process. We solve longstanding business challenges by applying our approach in Transmedia publishing to four new markets.
We have simplified Digital Publishing so the rich features of HTML5 and EPUB3 support marketing, corporate documentation, white-paper, and eLearning professionals. We think the true power of ePubs should be unleashed and it should seem as easy for you to do this as it is to make the PDF of today.
And in the future… RePubIT is there to represent your needs as we continue to shape ePub evolution.