Globalization of knowledge work over the past 10 years promotes disruptive competition on a grand scale. The web and social knowledge have created a gap in the corporate supply chain that RePubIT identifies and strives to close. Innovation is paramount to survival, requires an agile workforce with access to corporate knowledge, resources and analysis in near realtime.
This Knowing-Doing Gap continues to expand as Enterprise 2.0 organizations capitalize on their entrepreneurial spirit and innovate at an exponentially increasing rate. RePubIT’s team worked for decades deploying automation to close the gap and has turned that creativity toward delivering cognitive automation, the tools that will provide bright teams with online, real time knowledge and learning tools, intuitive, discoverable information just in time to empower corporate innovation, close the knowing doing gap, catapulting organizations head of the competition in the new global economy.
Corporations need to develop content and learning strategies that take advantage of mobile and social devices that have become indispensable to the next-gen workforce.